Coscritto Photography is finally taking off. So for everyone out there, let me tell you a little about it's photographer.
I'm 20 year old extremely passionate freelance photographer. When not out taking photos, I'm a law student, working her way through the education system.
It's been so long ago when I first got into photography that I can't even remember what truly inspired me to take photos. All I know is that the more photographs I seem to take, the more I fall in love with the art. I think the earliest photograph I can remember taking was this one.
I remember escaping into the colours, and I thought to myself that I want to take more. I began to use pictures as a way of escaping into this world that didn't really exist when I took my eye off the viewfinder.
I was very young and lost and confused. I didn't know where I was going with anything. I was in the midst of my A-Levels. My background had prepped me for a career in medicine, but I detested science. Detest is a strong word, it was logical, rational and made sense. I didn't enjoy it at all. I felt there was very little creativity and freedom in Science.
Today, I believe that Science can be creative, but try telling that to a 16 year old...
I then got talking to my grandfather, who decided that it was time I got a proper camera. My lovely grandfather, to who I truly credit the beginning of my artistic career. He told me about this whole collection of cameras that he himself had, and for a long time in a while I related to someone. I finally felt that my family made some sense.
He bought me a beginners DSLR from the little money he had, which I thought was the most amazing thing on the planet. It was four times the price as compared to any other camera I had ever owned! Nowadays, you can't even find one Sony lens for the cost of that camera. But I loved it to bits.
A Sony A100, to which I still credit some of my most favourite photographs taken. It was big and clunky and came with the standard lens that I had not quite understood how exactly to utilise. It was so different to the compact Canon digital camera I had, which was discreet, sneaky and easily fit in my pocket. A present from my father...
The rest of the story, I will continue later. For now, you can find me here: has all the details about how to hire me and contact me and some sample images. My flickr gallery can also be found for all you lovely flickr users here.
I'm even on facebook you web savvy bunch, and you can find me here.

I remember escaping into the colours, and I thought to myself that I want to take more. I began to use pictures as a way of escaping into this world that didn't really exist when I took my eye off the viewfinder.
I was very young and lost and confused. I didn't know where I was going with anything. I was in the midst of my A-Levels. My background had prepped me for a career in medicine, but I detested science. Detest is a strong word, it was logical, rational and made sense. I didn't enjoy it at all. I felt there was very little creativity and freedom in Science.
Today, I believe that Science can be creative, but try telling that to a 16 year old...
I then got talking to my grandfather, who decided that it was time I got a proper camera. My lovely grandfather, to who I truly credit the beginning of my artistic career. He told me about this whole collection of cameras that he himself had, and for a long time in a while I related to someone. I finally felt that my family made some sense.
He bought me a beginners DSLR from the little money he had, which I thought was the most amazing thing on the planet. It was four times the price as compared to any other camera I had ever owned! Nowadays, you can't even find one Sony lens for the cost of that camera. But I loved it to bits.
A Sony A100, to which I still credit some of my most favourite photographs taken. It was big and clunky and came with the standard lens that I had not quite understood how exactly to utilise. It was so different to the compact Canon digital camera I had, which was discreet, sneaky and easily fit in my pocket. A present from my father...
The rest of the story, I will continue later. For now, you can find me here: has all the details about how to hire me and contact me and some sample images. My flickr gallery can also be found for all you lovely flickr users here.
I'm even on facebook you web savvy bunch, and you can find me here.
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